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Home News Mineral processing knowledge Beneficiation method of black and white tungsten fine mud

Beneficiation method of black and white tungsten fine mud

2024-08-22 Source: Xinhai(58views)

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Tungsten is an important strategic resource in my country, but with continuous mining, easy-to-select and rich tungsten ores have gradually decreased, and are tending to develop in the direction of "poor, fine, and mixed". Because tungsten is brittle and easy to be crushed, fine mud is easy to appear in the crushing and grinding stage. In order to effectively improve the recovery of tungsten ore resources, it is necessary to beneficiate difficult-to-select and fine mud tungsten. This article will introduce the beneficiation method of tungsten fine mud!

At present, the commonly used tungsten fine mud beneficiation methods in beneficiation plants mainly include gravity separation, magnetic separation, flotation and combined beneficiation methods.

1. Tungsten fine mud gravity separation method

The gravity separation method for selecting tungsten fine mud is mainly centrifuge gravity separation and chute gravity separation.

Centrifuge gravity separation:Centrifuge is a fine-grained separation equipment. In the tungsten fine mud beneficiation operation, fine mud roughing operation is mostly performed, which effectively strengthens the tungsten ore beneficiation, and the process is simple and the production capacity is large. The centrifugal concentrator works by feeding the slurry into the centrifuge drum through the feed port, and then forming a flow film, while generating axial movement. Under the action of centrifugal force, tungsten and other minerals begin to accelerate stratification due to the difference in specific gravity, and finally complete the purpose of separation.

Tungsten fine mud centrifuge gravity separation method

Spiral chute gravity separation: The spiral chute gravity separation is suitable for processing a particle size range of -0.03mm. It is not only suitable for the recovery of tungsten fine mud, but also for the rough selection of tungsten fine mud. It has a simple structure, convenient operation and maintenance, large processing capacity per unit area, and low energy consumption. When selecting tungsten fine mud, the minerals are different in specific gravity, and then the inertial centrifugal force of the equipment, the force of the water flow and the friction of the trough surface are different, forcing the tungsten to separate from other minerals, and finally completing the sorting operation.

2. Magnetic separation of tungsten fine mud

Since wolframite has weak magnetic properties, it can be separated by strong magnetic separation during ore dressing. Generally, high gradient magnetic separation is used for separation, which has high recovery rate, large processing capacity and simple operation. It is suitable for separation of scheelite and tin ore containing black tungsten fine mud, and is mostly used for coarse selection. The separation principle is that after the magnetic materials such as steel plate mesh and steel wool are magnetized in the uniform magnetic field generated by the iron-clad solenoid, a high gradient magnetization magnetic field is generated on the radial surface. The slurry can generate a strong magnetic field in this environment with a low background uniform field strength, and can eventually effectively separate the extremely weak magnetic fine particles that are difficult to separate with ordinary magnetic separators.

Magnetic separation method for tungsten fine mud

3. Flotation method for tungsten fine mud

Tungsten fine mud generally contains three tungsten minerals: wolframite, scheelite, and tungsten ore. Wolframite is usually the main tungsten mineral, with scheelite and chalcanthite coexisting and tungsten ore in trace amounts. In addition, metal sulfide ores such as chalcopyrite, galena, molybdenite, bismuthite, and pyrite are also widely distributed, and sometimes contain a small amount of tin ore. For this type of tungsten fine mud, wolframite, scheelite, and black and white mixed tungsten ore can be selected by flotation.

Floatation of wolframite fine mud: Common collectors are mainly divided into phosphoric acid, arsine acid and hydroxy (oxy) oxime acid, among which hydroxy oxime acid is more commonly used. It can produce chemical adsorption with the localized ions Mn2+ and Fe2+ on the surface of wolframite through chelation, forming a hydrophobic film that is more solid and stable than the linear collector. It is combined with a combined inhibitor and activator (AD and lead nitrate) to finally float out qualified wolframite concentrate.

Tungsten fine mud flotation method

Floatation of scheelite fine mud: There are two methods: heating flotation and 731 flotation. The former is often used for the selection of coarse concentrate. After the coarse concentrate is concentrated, the concentration is controlled at 60%~70%. Then a large amount of water glass is added, heated to a high temperature and stirred vigorously for a long time. The difference in the desorption rate of the collector adsorbed on the surface of different minerals is used to enhance the selective inhibition. Finally, it is diluted and selected at room temperature. The latter is to adjust the pH value of the pulp by adding sodium carbonate, so that HSiO3- is always kept in the concentration range that can enhance the inhibition effect, emphasizing the synergistic effect of the two, and then the highly selective 731 is used to capture scheelite to improve the roughing efficiency. The obtained coarse concentrate is then diluted and selected after adding a large amount of water glass and stirred vigorously for a long time, and finally scheelite concentrate is obtained.

Black and white tungsten mixed flotation: Generally, modified water glass or a combination of water glass-based reagents is used as a gangue inhibitor (the suitable pH value for black and white tungsten mixed flotation is in the range of 7 to 8), lead nitrate is used as an activator, and chelating agents and oleic acid are used as combined collectors to float black and white tungsten mixed ore, and finally a black and white tungsten mixed concentrate is obtained.

Black and white tungsten mixed flotation method

Tungsten fine mud generally has complex mineral properties. When using the above single method, it is sometimes difficult to obtain a more ideal separation effect. Therefore, it can be separated by adopting a combined process method composed of gravity separation, flotation, magnetic separation, etc., such as: flotation-centrifuge gravity separation process, strong magnetic-flotation process, etc. In the actual ore dressing plant, whether it is scheelite or wolframite, when choosing the process, it cannot be generalized. It needs to be selected according to the properties of tungsten ore. Therefore, the ore dressing test analysis can be carried out first, and then the suitable tungsten fine mud ore dressing process can be designed to effectively obtain high-grade tungsten concentrate.

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